Submarines are always intriguing but difficult places to set movies – they’re inherently claustrophobic, dangerous and a little creepy. Add in the fact that many sumbarines have nuclear weapons onboard and you’ve got a great set-up for a film.
That’s the background for Todd Robinson’s Phantom, which stars Ed Harris as Demi, a Soviet submarine captain who wants to retire but gets forced to go on a top secret mission. He probably shouldn’t be going, as Demi suffers from seizures that alter his perception of reality. His mission goes awry when a rogue KGB group, led by named Bruni David (Duchovny), tries to takes control of the sub. Demi begins to think that he’s been deliberately set up fail and take the blame for a nuclear disaster that could start a war. Now he’s the only one who can stop it.
No UK release is currently set but it reaches the US on March 1st.
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