The Canyons is definitely an intriguing movie. Despite having Paul Schrader directing and a script from American Psycho’s Bret Easton Ellis, it was part funded through Kickstarter. It also stars the human trainwreck that is Lindsay Lohan, and porn star James Deen.
Last week a fascinating article did the rounds about the difficulties the production faced – many of which were due to Lohan, who comes across as someone desperate to turn things around but simultaneously oblivious to how self-destructive she’s being. This week there have also been suggestions it’s her erratic behaviour that caused the Sundance organisers to reject the movie (although it will be screened privately for potential buyers at the end of the month).
From what we’ve seen so far it’s been a little difficult to tell exactly what the movie is, as the ‘spoof’ trailers we’ve had, have painted it as a grindhouse movie and a 50s noir, even though it’s actually a contemporary LA thriller. However now we get our first lengthy clip from the movie, featuring Lohan creeping around looking for her phone while Deen sleeps. We have to say, the acting shown by the leads isn’t amazing, but we’re certainly intrigued to see the final film.
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