While Silence Of The Lambs and Hannibal showed us what happened after Will Graham captured cannibal serial killer Hannibal Lecter, Red Dragon only let us know what happened when Will actually got his man as well as that he’d been working with the psychologist beforehand, not knowing Hannibal was the man he was hunting.
Now TV is going to tell us that story, with Hugh Dancy taking on the Will Graham role, with Mads Mikkelsen as Lecter, long before he ever met Clarice Starling. While some have wondered whether television will do Lecter justice, we get our first chance to take a look with a trailer.
It certainly looks like it could be interesting, with Hannibal playing with the FBI investigator and trying to get him to truly understand the mind of the killer. Laurence Fishburne also stars.
The show begins in the US in early April, and should hopefully reach the UK now long afterwards.
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