There was a huge amount of anticipation for Gangster Squad, with early buzz suggesting it was going to be huge. However the film itself underwhelmed and wasn’t the break into the top rung of directors that Ruben Fleischer (Zombieland, 30 Minutes Of Less) was hoping.
However now he’s planning his next movie over at Sony Pictures, according to TheWrap, although no details about it have been released, other than that it’s a sci-fi/fantasy flick. Fleischer pitched to Sony by Fleischer, and the studio has since hired emerging screenwriter Eric Pearson to write the script.
It’s a bit of a homecoming for the director, as while he made Gangster Squad for Warner Bros, both Zombieland and 30 Minutes Or Less were backed by Sony. He’s also still working with Warners, as he currently attached to helm an adaptation of SpyHunter for them.
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