Directed by Christopher Menaul with a screenplay written by Jonathan Smith based on his 1995 novel, Summer In February stars Dan Stevens (Downton Abbey), Dominic Cooper (The Devil’s Double), Emily Browning (Sucker Punch) and winner of the Evening Standard and the Critics’ Choice Theatre Awards for Best Actress for her performance in the Young Vic’s A Doll’s House; Harriet Morahan.
The film is the intimate true story of young, vibrant souls navigating their way through love, passion and friendship in the picturesque landscape of early twentieth century England. Summer In February focuses on the wild and bohemian Lamorna Group, dominated by the charismatic AJ Munnings (Dominic Cooper). The incendiary anti-Modernist Munnings, now regarded as one of Britain’s most sought-after artists, is at the heart of a complex love triangle involving the young, aspiring painter Florence Carter-Wood (Emily Browning) and Gilbert Evans (Dan Stevens), the land agent in charge of the Lamorna estate. Renowned painter Laura Knight is played by Hattie Morahan.
The story is played out against the timeless beauty of the Cornish coast, in the far West of England, beyond the reach of London and its stifling conventions. It hits UK cinemas on June 14th.
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