A lot of things happened in slow-motion in ancient Greece if the 300 franchise is anything to go by. If you’d though replacing Zack Snyder with Noam Murro for 300: Rise Of An Empire would result in a different visual style, this trailer is here to show it won’t – indeed if anything it’s even more like 300 than 300 was.
Here’s the synopsis: ‘Based on Frank Miller’s latest graphic novel Xerxes, and told in the breathtaking visual style of the blockbuster “300,” this new chapter of the epic saga takes the action to a fresh battlefield—on the sea—as Greek general Themistokles attempts to unite all of Greece by leading the charge that will change the course of the war.
‘”300: Rise of an Empire” pits Themistokles against the massive invading Persian forces led by mortal-turned-god Xerxes, and Artemisia, vengeful commander of the Persian navy.’
Sullivan Stapleton stars, with a release set for March 2014.
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