Director Guillermo del Toro is at the Rome Film Festival, where he ended up getting onto the subject of Warner Bros.’ plans for the DC Universe, suggesting they have an all-encompassing scheme that will cover all mediums.
Del Toro is in a position to know, as he’s developing the DC-property Justice League Dark (aka Dark Universe), which needs to fit into this plan. Of the film, he says, “We’re still on (Justice League Dark), writing, and hopefully it will happen but there are no developments that are new. We’re still at Warner Bros., they are making plans for the entire DC universe. All the superheroes, all the mythologies, and part of that is Justice League Dark. They’re planning on TV, movies, and all the media, so we have to fit within that plan.”
Previous reports have suggested Justice League Dark will include DC heroes such as John Constantine, Swamp Thing, The Demon, Deadman, The Spectre, Zatara and Zatanna. Guillermo del Toro is working on the script with a writer who hasn’t been identified yet.
It seems therefore that Batman Vs. Superman is just the start of an interconnected universe that DC hopes can rival Marvel.
Take a look at Del Toro’s Rome Film Festival interview below.
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