A couple of weeks ago Roland Emmerich’s Stonewall got its first star with War Horse and Railway Man’s Jeremy Irvine signing up for the movie. Now he’s got some company as Deadline reports X-Men: First Class star Caleb Landry Jones is in talks for the film.
The film will centre around Irvine’s Danny, a young man whose political awakening happens against the backdrop of the 1969 Stonewall Riots, which have since become a touchstone for the gay rights struggle.
Jones will play, ‘an eccentric gay street hustler named Orphan Annie who at first resists then warms up to Danny and later participates in the Stonewall uprising’.
Emmerich revealed a few weeks ago that he intends to start production on the movie in the next couple of months.
As well as First Class, Caleb Landry Jones has appeared in Antiviral, Contraband, Byzantium, No Country For Old Men and the upcoming Queen & Country.
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