Poor old Sandra Oh. She’s just made a movie where she plays the lesbian partner of Kathy Bates, and now she discovers that Kathy would have preferred someone else all along!
The movie appeared in together is Tammy, the Melissa McCarthy comedy that hits cinemas next week, and sees McCarthy going on a road trip with her foul-mouthed grandmother (Susan Sarandon), and meeting up with Bates and Oh along the way.
However when Kathy was asked by PrideSource about who else she’d like to play her female partner on-screen, she says, “Who do I love? Oh, I could totally see this: I shared a plane trip with Uma Thurman once and I thought she was pretty cool. I could see doing a movie with her and having a lesbian relationship – although I’m much too old for her! … Yeah, that would probably be a fantasy movie relationship.”
Sandra needn’t worry too much though, as Bates is keen to point out, “I do know that I’m just absolutely in love with Sandra, and let me just say that she really brought our relationship to bloom. She brought a lot of love and warmth, and it was her idea to have wedding rings – because of course! – which I hadn’t thought about, and also, really, to think that our relationship is the healthiest relationship in the movie… I’m just so in love and married to Sandra that I don’t know if I could come up with anybody else. It would feel like cheating!”
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