David Hyde Pierce is coming back to TV with a run in The Good Wife. To mark that, he showed up on Larry King Now for an interview. He’s done surprisingly little on-screen work in the 10 years since his multi-award winning turn in Frasier, instead concentrating on theatre, and in 2008 he married his partner Brian Cosgrove in California.
On Larry King he spoke about his surprise at how fast marriage equality has spread in the US since then (it’s not a shock he’s surprised considering that his own marriage had to survive the issues surrounding Prop 8).
He says, ‘I’m amazed at the sort of domino effect with same-sex marriage happening throughout the states. It had to do with visibility (and) all the brave people who fought for marriage.’
Pierce adds that it wasn’t just those in the midst of the battle who were important, as much of the change has been due to ‘just the average American looking at these people or looking at friends or family who are gay or lesbian and realising (gay marriage bans are) kind of hypocritical…’
He continues, ‘It’s kind of hypocritical to say, “Oh, I love you dearly, you’re my best friend. Would I let you marry the person you love? Well, sorry, no”. Those conversations used to happen a lot, and they happen less and less now…’
‘It just seems more important to let people live their lives. It seems in a way, more American.’
You can take a look at the clip below.
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