Johnny Depp is currently back in the world of Jack Sparrow on the set of the new Pirates Of The Caribbean movie, but he’s got something rather different coming up, where he stars in the biopic of Boston gangster Whitey Bulger. He certainly looks rather different though, with receding hairline, coloured contacts and facial prosthetics.
He’s joined by a great cast, including Joel Edgerton, Benedict Cumberbatch, Kevin Bacon, Dakota Johnson, Peter Sarsgaard, Jesse Plemons, Corey Stoll, Rory Cochrane, Sienna Miller, Adam Scott.
James ‘Whitey’ Bulger (Johnny Depp) was a Boston criminal who ended up becoming an FBI informant, with the help of his longtime friend and FBI agent John Connolly (Joel Edgerton) and his brother (Cumberbatch). However Whitey didn’t completely turn good guy, as his tips to the feds were mainly about getting rid of his mob competition.
When Connolly tipped Bulger off that the feds were planning on double-crossing him, the criminal went into hiding for more than a decade, rising to the top of the FBI’s Most Wanted list before he was eventually caught in 2011 while hiding out in Santa Monica, California.
Billy was never implicated in Whitey’s criminal activities, but his political opponents inevitably tried to use his brother’s reputation against him.
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