Proud Bostonian Mark Wahlberg is going home for a movie that’s bound to have a bit of resonance for him, as Patriot’s Day is all about the Boston Marathon Bombings. Deadline reports Wahlberg will produce and star, and also mentions that it will be in a race to screens against Boston Strong, starring Casey Affleck.
However they are slightly different film, as while Boston Strong concentrates on the effect the bombings had on the city in the week between the event and the capture of the bombers, Patriot’s Day is based around Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis (Mark Wahlberg) and his account of what happened during the hunt for the murderers, with the movie also using research and footage shot on the scene by news magazine programme 60 Minutes.
It’s suggested it will be made as an ‘intense thriller’ looking at the investigation into the bombing and the manhunt for Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s.
It’s a bit of corporate synergy, as 60 Minutes is a CBS programme, while the film will be backed by CBS Films.
Both movies hope to shoot this year for a 2016 release.
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