Todays edition of celebrities saying immensely dumb and offensive things while thinking they’re being provocative, features Star Trek and She’s Out Of My League actress Alice Eve.
She decided that denigrating Bruce Jenner’s gender transition would be a good way to highlight women’s rights issues by taking to Instagram to say, “If you [Jenner] were a woman no one would have heard of you because women can’t compete in the decathlon. Where to order Cialis Italia at cheapest tadalafil pills no prescription in Italy. You would be a frustrated young athlete who wasn’t given a chance.
“Until women are paid the same as men, then playing at being a ‘woman’ while retaining the benefits of being a man is unfair. Do you have a vagina? Are you paid less than men? Then, my friend, you are a woman.”
It’s an immensely stupid thing to say, as while Jenner is in a somewhat unique position, he still faced an extremely uncertain reaction by going public. It also ignores that many transgender people face a far worse work situation and pay gap than between sis men and women. They also face a far higher risk of violence, murder and open discrimination.
Eve’s post was taken down after a firestorm of criticism from her followers, with Alice quickly backing down and trying to suggest that she was too quick to post and that it should now be a learning moment.
She went on to say that, “I do agree that the struggle for transgenders is unique and horrific. However, I do want to also support a cause I strongly believe in, the right for women to have equal rights to men… The transgender equality struggle is the next one, as we all know. And very real it is, too.”
Those posts were also removed after a lot more criticism. After all, she was essentially suggesting that women’s rights are superior to those of transgender people, while still managing to make it sound that mtf transgender people can’t be women, and that you can’t support both womens rights and transgender rights simultaneously.
She then had another go, saying, “I’m not saying by identifying they are negatively impacting feminism, I am saying that we have to refine the language on this topic so all men, women and transgenders are accurately represented in their process of self-identification.”
Whatever that is supposed to mean.
She then added, “Maybe this needs a little thought. Thank you for engaging with me on this subject, because I felt confused and now I feel enlightened and like I know what education I need to move forward.”
It’s one of those situations where someone probably wasn’t speaking out of deliberate malice, but simply had no idea what they’re talking about and ended up saying something intensely stupid and offensive. Indeed she, like many of Jenner’s detractors, may have been unable get past the Kardashian connection and therefore thinks of Bruce’s statements as being some kind of publicity stunt, without even considering what he was actually saying, and that despite the reality shows, he’s still a real, living human being.
(And just in case anyone isn’t aware, Jenner has asked that for the time being he is still referred to publicly as Bruce and that male pronouns should be used).
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