Just take a look at the picture above, and tell me it hasn’t reached the point where it looks like Zac Efron’s head has been transplanted onto someone else’s body. This is admittedly from a particularly pumped up shot from the new Baywatch red-band trailer, but even in his other shirtless shots, he does look like he should be told that having more than 2% body fat is not a crime. But hey, perhaps he felt hulking it up wa necessary if he was going to be shirtless next to the bulk of Dwayne Johnson.
Either way, the sight of both of them with their shirts off is quite impressive.
The film is, of course, based on the hit 90s TV series. As you might expect being taken from show that’s known for being pretty cheesy, the film keeps it’s tongue firmly in its cheek. And yes, there is some slo-mo running in swimsuits.
Take a look at the new International Red Band trailer below. Baywatch will be in cinemas next summer.
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