However, those who know and love it will be sad to hear that its creator and star, Josh Thomas, has revealed that the recent Season 4 will be the series last. He posted on Twitter, “We have decided Season 4 #PleaseLikeMe is the last. I’ve loved making this show for you all so much. Thank you.” You can take a look at the full statement he released below.
It’s a surprise to many, as just a few weeks ago Hulu was promoting the show at the Television Critics Association’s winter press tour. However, even at that point there was uncertainty about whether there would be any more. For example, co-star Emily Barclay commented, “I would be surprised if this was the end of Please Like Me, whether it was a different form or incarnation. I don’t know what that means or what that would look like. Maybe that’s wishful thinking. But it doesn’t feel to me like that’s the end of the show.”
Sadly though it look like it will be.
Please Like Me follows young Josh, who at the start of show left his girlfriend and came out as gay, with the series charting his loves and relationship, as well as his sometimes difficult relationship with his parents (one of whom has bipolar disorder), and the lives of his friends. It’s been praised by many, including us, for its sweet nerdiness and its ability to be genuinely funny while also feeling true to how young people are.
Many will be sad to see it go, but Thomas is right in that ending it now it ensures it won’t outstay its welcome.
Hey I have news. We have decided Season 4 #PleaseLikeMe is the last. I've loved making this show for you all so much. Thank you.
— Josh Thomas (@JoshThomas87) February 2, 2017
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