On September 28th, WIll & Grace is returning the US TV screen for a new season. Plenty of people are excited – in fact there’s been enough interest that NBC has already expanded the original order from 12 to 16 new episodes, as well as commissioning a second season with 10 more new instalments.
To try and up the excitement, a two-minute sneak-peak at the show’s return has been released, which wants to say that things are pretty much picking up where they left off, except with more jokes about Fox News and Brangelina getting divorced. However, Will and Grace are still as co-dependent as wever, Karen is just as rich and snobby, and Jack is the centre of his very own universe.
Although Will & Grace returns to US TV from the end of September, it’s not clear when it will be seen elsewhere, with no UK airdate currently announced. Take a look at the sneak peek below.
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