Back in September there was a bit of excitement over whether Thor: Ragnarok would feature the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s first gay character. This was based on the fact that the movie features Korg, who in the mid-2000s Planet Hulk series of comics (which Ragnarok is partially based on), Korg was in a same-sex relationship with a fellow male warrior called Hiroim.
Now, it turns out there may be another LGBT characters in the movie, as Tessa Thompson has announced on Twitter that her baddass character, Valkyrie, is ‘bi. And yes, she cares very little about what men think of her. What a joy to play!’
However, before we get over-exicted, it should be added that there’s nothing in the movie that would definitely says either Korg or Valkyrie is LGBT. While there’s also nothing to contradict it, whether Valkyrie likes boys, girls or all genders certainly doesn’t play into the storyline of the movie. One hope we can have though is that she appears to be a character Marvel is considering making more of in the post-Avengers: Infinity War universe, and if they do it will give them the chance to explore her sexuality in more depth.
Although it appears Thompson and/or the makers decided to take the character’s sexuality into account in the choices she made as an actor, after many years of criticism about the lack of queer representation in the Marvel universel, we’re still only talking about very tiny baby steps here.
She’s bi. And yes, she cares very little about what men think of her. What a joy to play!
— Tessa Thompson (@TessaThompson_x) October 21, 2017
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