The first pic of Zachary Levi is keen to show that while DC has tried to build its superhero franchise with a grittier look and feel than Marvel, it’s going in a different direction with Shazam. That’s evident from the first official pic, showing Zachary Levi in a rather snazzy looking suit, having some all-american cola with a friend.
Shazam (also known as Captain Marvel, although you can see why they’d avoid that name) is the superhero alter-ego of a boy called Billy Batson. The hero has the powers of Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, and Mercury. While not particularly well known today outside comic book circles, he was the biggest selling character of the 1940s.
It’s believed the first footage from the movie will be screened at San Diego Comic Con later this month. Hopefully Warner will release it publicly so we all get to see. The movie itself is due out April 2019.
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