Synopsis: High octane thriller Thriller tells the story of intelligent and brazen Sam (Ed Speleers), who leads a ring of university students to become credit card thieves in order to augment their income. As their activities become more daring, they accidentally rob a notorious gangster named Marcel (Thomas Kretschmann) and are forced to up their game to pay him back 10 times the amount they stole … with interest. To pay off the debt, they take their scam on the road to Miami; the city of “high stakes”.
After a series of unfortunate mistakes, Sam’s team is still short of the cash needed to clear their debt, so they set their sights on a daring jewellery heist that could not only cover their debt but also make them filthy rich. Their plan turns sour, however, when members of the team start betraying each other. Now it’s up to Sam to finish the scam he started while turning the tables on Marcel before they all go down.
Based on a true story, Plastic’s talented cast of credit card thieves features ring leader Ed Speleers from hit UK series Downton Abbey, and accomplice, BAFTA-winner Will Poulter (We’re the Millers). Additional accomplices in the heist include Alfie Allen (Game of Thrones), Sebastian De Souza (The Borgias) and beautiful fresh recruit Emma Rigby (The Counselor). Veteran actors Thomas Kretschmann, known for his roles as a heavy in Resident Evil and U-571, and Graham McTavish (The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey, Colombiana), round out the cast.
Plastic is directed by Julian Gilbey, known for his visceral hoodlum thriller Rise of the Foot Soldier and abduction thriller A Lonely Place To Die and produced by Terry Stone, Chris Howard and Daniel Toland. It’ll be out in the UK on May 2nd. [Read more…]