Synopsis: This sumptuous English-language ’50s period piece recounts the mid-life years of Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Elizabeth Bishop (played by Miranda Otto, Lord of the Rings) when she left America to live and write in Rio de Janiero — where she would also fall in love with well-off architect Lota de Macedo Soares (butched up to the hilt by beautifully handsome Brazilian TV star Gloria Pires).
Initial hostilities between the pair make way for a complicated yet long-lasting love affair that dramatically alters Bishop’s relationship to the world around her. From renowned Brazilian director Bruno Barreto (Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands), Reaching for the Moon is an intimate snapshot of the search for inspiration, wherever and however you find it.
The film will be screening in major US cities from mid November – you can find exact details on [Read more…]