Back in 2009 nobody really knew what a Chris Hemsworth was. His biggest role was a couple hundred episodes of Aussie soap opera Home & Away, before he scored a tiny part in the rebooted Star Trek, playing Captain Kirk’s dad, George, who didn’t last more than the first few minutes before dying. However, it turns out that won’t be the last we’ll see of his in the renewed franchise.
He may have gone onto to the superpowered heights of being Thor, but Paramount has announced that even though Star Trek Beyond hasn’t been released yet, they’re already working on the next film and that it will bring back Hemsworth.
What we don’t know is how George Kirk will return, although with Star Trek there are plenty of options. He might be brought into the future or the crew could end up back in the past. Alternatively, it may turn out he didn’t die after all. We do know the two Kirk’s will meet, with George described as, ‘a man he never had a chance to meet, but whose legacy has haunted him since the day he was born.’
Chris Pine is already confirmed to return as Jame Kirk, and the likes Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, John Cho and Simon Pegg are expected to be back too. It’s not known how the film will deal with the tragic death of Anton Yelchin, and whether it means the character of Chekov will be retired.