The various efforts to get people interested in a post-T2 Terminator franchise have largely foundered, but there’s been more interest in a new attempt, which will bring James Cameron back as a producer/creative force, as well as original stars Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton. Now they have some company in the form of Blade Runner 2049 star Mackenzie Davis, according to Variety.
There’s little info on the plot of the new instalment, bit it’s said that Davis will be ‘a solder-assassin on a mission.’ She will apparently be human rather than android though (unlike her role in Blade Runner 2049). One other thing we know about the movie is that it’s likely to either ignore everything after Terminator 2, or reset the timeline so it can do just that. There are also conflicting reports about whether Davis will be the new ‘face’ of the Terminator franchise, or whether someone else will be the lead, but it does appear she plays a central role in the movie.
The Hunger Games and Captain Phillips scribe Billy Ray is writing the latest version of the script, with Deadpool’s Tim Miller set to direct. The movie is due for release July 2019.