Things are finally moving on apace with Star Trek 2, and the latest news, via Variety, is that actress Alice Eve is in talks to join the cast for director J.J. Abrams and Paramount Pictures. The She’s Out Of My League actress doesn’t have a deal set yet, although it is expected to be finalised very soon. Teresa Palmer and Hayley Atwell also apparently tested for the role.
This being JJ Abrams, no details have been released regarding who Alice Eve may play, but it is said to be a brand new character in the Star Trek universe. Earlier this month Benicio Del Toro was offered the villain role in this sci-fi sequel, although again it’s not known what character he’ll play. It now seems the actor has accepted the offer, although a deal is still pending.
Filming is scheduled to start January 15.
General movie news courtesy of Movie Muser
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