Jennifer Aniston in not a shitty rom-com shocker! You’d assume that if Aniston was in talks for a film called Switch, it’d be some sort of sequel to the god-awful movie she made not that long ago with Jason Bateman, but it turns out the title is just a coincidence, as she’s actually being lined up for a supporting role in an Elmore Leonard adaptation, which also happens to be called Switch. And according to Deadline, Dennis Quaid’s coming along for the ride too.
They’d join the already cast Ty Burrell, John Hawkes and Yasiin Bey in the movie, which is a semi-prequel to Jackie Brown (or at least features some of the same characters). The story is set 15 years before the events of Jackie Brown, and follows Ordell Robbie (Bey) and Louis Gara (Hawkes) as they try to kidnap Mickey Dawson (Aniston), the wife of a crooked Detroit real estate magnate (Quaid). However the kidnappers soon turn this around, deciding to team with Mickey in order to get her horrible hubby’s money.
Quaid and Aniston are yet to sign on the dotted line, but things look good.
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