The first poster has popped up online for Spielberg’s biopic Lincoln, which stars Daniel Day-Lewis as the famed president.
The movie is going to ignore Lincoln’s vampire fighting exploits and concentrate on the non-supernatural, focussing on the time around the Civil War. Spielberg was recently quoted as saying, “Our movie is really about a working leader who must make tough decisions and get things done in the face of overwhelming opposition… [The film begins with] Lincoln’s realization that the Emancipation Proclamation, the thing he is most known for, was simply a war powers act that would easily be struck down by any number of lawyers after the cessation of hostilities after the Civil War. He needed to abolish slavery by constitutional measure — and that’s where we start.”
Now a poster has arrived, a trailer can’t be far behind, so expect to see that soon. Lincoln is due to hit the UK on January 25th, 2013.
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