I hope David Furnish isn’t the jealous type, as Tom Hardy and Elton John have hooked up on the eve of the American Film Market, and we have to say they make a surprisingly cute couple.
When we say ‘hooked up’, we do of course mean that they teamed up to meet potentials buyers of the upcoming Elton biopic, Rocketman, which Tom signed up to star in last week. With AFM kicking off tomorrow, Tom and Elton headed to Santa Monica to help sell the movie.
To be honest, we’re not noticing too much of a resemblance between the two, so it’ll be interesting to see what sort of transformation Tom has to go under to becoming a younger version of Elton. Or perhaps he’s just gonna be hot Elton, as he’s certainly looking good here!
Michael Gracey will direct Rocketman from a screenplay by Lee Hall. It’s previously been reported that the movie will follow Elton John’s journey from 5-year old musical prodigy who by age 11 won a scholarship to the Royal Academy of Music, to a young man who rebelled against his strict upbringing, wore outrageous costumes and became a global icon who teamed with songwriter Bernie Taupin to sell more records that just about any musical artist of his era. It will also feature some fantastical elements and plenty of the singer’s music, in keeping with John’s larger than life personality. It’ll shoot next year.
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