Conan didn’t turn Jason Momoa into the star many think he should be, but Game Of Thrones has been a great showcase for his brand of brawny acting. Now it looks like he’s got another shot at movie stardom, as Hitfix says he’s landed the role of Aquaman in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
Momoa will apparently have a small role in that film, which will expand into a more pivotal role in Justice League. It’s not the first time Momoa been rumoured for the movies, but due to the fact he doesn’t look like the classic version of Aquaman, many believed he was playing either Martian Manhunter or Doomsday.
As yet the casting hasn’t been confirmed by Warner Bros. and DC Comics, and according to the Hitfix report, it won’t be confirmed for quite some time (so at the moment treat it is an enhanced rumour).
It’s also being suggested he won’t be called Aquaman in the movie, which may help those annoyed by the fact he looks nothing like the blonde Arthur Curry accept him in the role.
It’s suggested that the storyline of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will find the world angry with Superman, as in the aftermath of Man Of Steel, they’re left clearing up the massive damage inflicted on Metropolis (the clean-up is the one thing these super-destructive movies normally ignore). Lex Luthor is said to be behind an attempt to ban the superhero and turn mankind against him.
Aquaman is involved as he is not pleased with what the World Engine has done to the Indian Ocean, and he seeks out Superman for an answer.
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