This week with Guardians Of The Galaxy Chris Pratt has become a god to unfit men over 30. He is proof that if you were once a bit chunky and in danger of officially becoming ‘schlubby’, you can turn it all around and go from cute to being a stop-the-traffic super-hunk.
However it seems that his swoon-inducing appearance in Guardians is just a warm-up, as Colin Trevorrow has decided to jump on the buzz and release a new pic of Chris where he seems to have reached new levels of sexiness.
I’m now hoping that after years and years of being written and rewritten, the final script for Jurassic World is simply Pratt standing under an outdoor shower, while some dinosaurs or something (I don’t really care what) happens in the background.
The fact that Pratt is also funny, sweet and humble makes his recent transformation almost sickening – surely no one should be all those things?
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