There were a lot of grumblings when it was first rumoured that Jurassic World would include a genetically engineered dinosaur and not just ones brought back to life from the past. However to my mind it’s always made sense – after all part of the point of the earlier movies is about meddling with nature, and (while dealt with more fully in Michael Crichton’s original novel), the dinos are a melange of modern and ancient DNA anyway.
Therefor ethere’s a logic to the scientists wanting to tinker further and see what beasts they can create on their own, especially once the Jurassic World park has opened and they’re looking for the cool new thing to attract the visitors. A terrifying, super-dino would be their version of a world-class, white knuckle rollercoaster in a traditional theme park.
However the makers have been keeping the creature under wraps and while there have been a few glimpses of the sort of thing we’ll be getting with images of tie-in merchandising etc. there still isn’t an official picture. Now though they’re teasing the ‘Idominus Rex’, via the film’s website with the teaser pics below both of its teeth and its massively fortified enclosure.
I think it’s safe to say it won’t be staying in that cage and all hell will break loose.
The website also offers this info on the creature: ‘We set out to make Indominus the most fearsome dinosaur ever to be displayed at Jurassic World. The genetic engineers at our Hammond Creation Lab have more than delivered.
‘At first glance, Indominus most closely resembles a T. Rex. But its distinctive head ornamentation and ultra-tough bony osteoderms can be traced from Theropods known as Abeliosaurs. Indominus’ horns have been placed above the eye orbit through genetic material hybridized from Carnotaurus, Majungasaurus, Rugops and Giganotosaurus. Fearsome indeed.
‘Indominus’ roar is estimated to reach 140-160db—the same as a 747 taking off and landing. And it can reach speeds of 30 mph…while confined to its enclosure. Come experience Indominus Rex for yourself beginning this summer. If you dare.’
Jurassic World is in cinemas this June.
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