After leaving the franchise behind, it surprised many when Matt Damon and director Paul Greengrass were planning to return to the Bourne franchise. However, that’s exactly what they’ve done and now the first official trailer for the movie had arrived.
Along with the promo comes a poster as well as some comments from Greengrass, who says, “Jason Bourne isn’t a super hero; he doesn’t wear a cape or a mask. He’s not one of those kinds of guys. He is just an ordinary man. I think when people watch Jason Bourne they can imagine how they might react in those situations and those circumstances, and when you see him thinking his way through and coming up with a plan and executing his plan, that’s incredibly exciting.”
He adds, “It has taken us a long time to come back because we didn’t have the right story before. The world needed to change and then there comes that moment when it makes sense. You know when it feels right and that’s when you do it, not before.”
Alicia Vikander, Julia Stiles, Vincent Cassel and Tommy Lee Jones also star.
Jason Bourne will be released in UK cinemas July 27th. Take a look at the trailer below.
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