Normally movies like to view fraternities as either places of ribald fun, or else elitist organisation that look down on the plucky underdog. However, Goat plans to take a more dramatic view of them, peering into the sometimes dangerous world of hazing pledges.
While most universities have banned hazing (or at least anything that could be considered humiliating), some frats still see it as a rite of passage. Goat stars Ben Schnetzer as a young man who decides to pledge the frat that his older brother (Nick Jonas) belongs to. However, it’s not long before he discovers he’s entered a world of aggression, power play and abuse.
James Franco also cameos as an alum who likes to try to relive his college days. Based of Brad Land’s memoir of his own frat days, it’ll be open in cinemas in NY, LA & Select US Cities and on VOD on Sept 23.
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