Last week Kevin Spacey was named by Anthony Rapp as the man he said had tried to sleep with him when he was just 14 (Rapp had told the story year before to The Advocate, but the name of the older man was redacted). Spacey may have hoped that his subsequent ‘apology’ and coming out would minimise the impact on his career, but instead he has been hit with a firestorm of accusations and anger.
Many were furious that as part of his ‘apology’ he also came out as gay, which to many looked like an attempt to deflect attention from the allegations. He also gave a gift to homophobes by both equating homosexuality and pedophilia, and saying that he ‘chooses’ to live as a gay man.
He has also been hit with a multitude of other allegation, both from those who, like Rapp, say he targeted them while they were underage, and those who says he sexually harassed them when they were young men. London’s Old Vic Theatre, where Spacey was artistic director for a decade, has even set up a confidential phoneline for anyone those who wany support, against a background of stories that he sexually harassed many of the young actors who worked there.
Spacey himself has kept a low profile, with his only post ‘apology’ communication coming via his agents, who released a statement saying, ‘Kevin Spacey is taking the time necessary to seek evaluation and treatment. No other information is available at this time.’
The allegations came just as Spacey was starting to shoot Season 6 of House Of Cards. While there was already talk that this would mark the end of the show, Netflix has now confirmed that and also severed ties with the actor, saying “Netflix will not be involved with any further production of House of Cards that includes Kevin Spacey.” Although they still hope to make a sixth season of the hit series, they will now look at ways of killing Spacey’s character off before filming restarts. They may cancel the series instead, and are said to be exploring the possibility of spin-offs. Netflix was also backing a Gore Vidal biopic staring Spacey, but that has also been cancelled.
Media Right Capital, the production company behind House Of Cards, is also looking at a series of allegation about inappropriate behaviour on the set of the award-winning show. They say, “While we continue the ongoing investigation into the serious allegations concerning Kevin Spacey’s behavior on the set of ‘House of Cards,’ he has been suspended, effective immediately. MRC, in partnership with Netflix, will continue to evaluate a creative path forward for the program during the hiatus.”
At the moment Spacey’s career is essentially dead, and it’s difficult to imagine there’s any way back for him. Indeed, with some of his accusers alleging serious crimes, he may be spending a lot of time in court.
Allegations from 31 and 42 years ago, unsubstantiated, provable, and yes I said it, UNBELIEVABLE> even 18 is was & is adult as well, not sympathetic.