Director: Various
Running Time: 440 mins
Certificate: 15
Release Date: November 10th 2014 (UK)

Having just ended on BBC3 in the UK, Family Guy – Season 14 arrives on DVD in the UK. It’s perhaps the most controversial season in the show’s history – which isn’t bad going for a series that’s previously had two episodes that were fully animated and then rejected by the Fox network due to worries about their content.
However the controversy this time wasn’t due to Family Guy taking on abortion or concern about jokes about Jews – it’s because they killed off one of the main characters. Yep, a few episodes in to Season 14 Brian the faux-intellectual dog bites the big one (or at least bites the tarmac, seeing as he gets run over). However it shouldn’t come as too much of a shock to discover that this might not be the last time we see him. [Read more…]