Director: Pete McCormack
Running Time: 94 mins
Certificate: 15
Release Date: July 23rd 2012

As the title suggests, I Am Bruce Lee is all about the martial arts action superstar, taking in his entire life and featuring rare footage of Lee, along with plenty of interviews with his friends and family. There’s no doubt the documentary will be of most interest to fans of Lee, but there’s also plenty to appeal to those whose interest in the actor is more tangential.
The film covers everything from his birth in San Francisco and early life in Hong Kong, through his rise as both an actor and martial arts instructor in the US, before he headed back to Asia to make the likes of The Big Boss, which led to the classic Enter The Dragon. Of course, he tragically died shortly before that film was released. There’s plenty of interesting info, from the fact he returned to the US at the age of 18 partly because he’d gotten into so much trouble fighting, to the battle he had to conduct with old school martial artists who said he shouldn’t be teaching non-Chinese people Eastern styles. [Read more…]