Director: Lucas Santa Ana
Running Time: 93 mins
Certificate: 15
Release Date: February 17th 2017 (UK)

Argentina once more proves it has a knack for gay-themed cinema with Bromance (originally titled Como una novia sin sexo, which translates as ‘Like a girlfriend without sex’). In the film, three young men, Santi, Adrian and Daniel, head off for a camping break in a forest near the sea. They have been friends for a long time and share an intimate camaraderie of playing jokes on one another, engaging in horseplay and having fun.
However, things begin to get a little more complex when Adrian makes a move and kisses Santi while they’re swimming in the sea. Santi isn’t ready for this though and leaves. Soon after they meet a woman, Julieta, who they invite back to their camp. Although it’s supposed to just be the three men, Julieta and Santi start sleeping with one another. While Adrian is less than impressed with this development, Daniel is dealing with his own problems as his grandfather is gravely ill. [Read more…]