HBO may have cancelled the TV series Bored To Death back in December 2011, but they still like it enough to put a thaterical feature film in development that hopes to reunite series stars Jason Schwartzman (Jonathan), Zach Galifianakis (Ray), and Ted Danson (George). Series creator Jonathan Ames is currently writing the screenplay.
THR says that in the film, ‘Jonathan, Ray, and George reunite to fight crime, commit crime, lose their minds and fail at love in a Bored to Death feature-length slapstick adventure.’
The three seasons of the TV series saw Jason Schwartzman as Jonathan Ames, a writer and amateur private detective who tried to solve crimes in Brooklyn, with the help of his friend Ray (Zach Galifianakis) and his editor George (Ted Danson). Although it was cancelled, many suggested that wa smore to do with Galifianakis’ burgeoning movie career and the increasing costs of making the show than because HBO didn’t like it – hence why they’re keen on a film version.
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