Few people’s career have plummeted so fast and so completely as Kevin Spacey’s in the last couple of weeks, following a barrage of accusations of sexual harassment and assault, kicked off by allegations from actor Anthony Rapp that Spacey attempted to sleep with him when he was oly 14.
The ultimate piece of evidence that this is not something Spacey is ever likely to come back from is the decision by Ridley Scott to remove the actor from a movie that’s already been completed and is due out in the US in only six weeks time. Spacey was due to play billionaire John Paul Getty in the film All the Money in the World, about the kidnapping of Getty’s grandson.
He will now be replaced by veteran actor Christopher Plummer, with Ridley planning 10 days of shooting, which will also involve the likes of the movie’s other stars, Mark Wahlberg and Michelle Williams. It’s believed that in many of Spacey’s scenes he was either the only one on screen or it was a relatively simple set-up, making it relatively easy to replce him. Some more complex location work is likely to see Spacey replaced using visual effects.
The replacement is being done at Scott and the film’s production company’s expense. However, the movie’s distributor, Sony Pictures Entertainment, is still keen to keep the movie’s December 22nd US release date, which will allow it to be eligible for next year’s Oscars, so the work will have to be done exceptionally quickly.
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