A lot of the coverage of Noah has centred around Paramount’s difficulties promoting it to a religious audience, due to the fact it’s not the comfy, cost biblical movie they might have been expecting (although in some respects it’s actually closer to the Bible than some Christians would like, but they’d prefer to edit out the bits that they don’t like – and for many if they haven’t heard it in church, it doesn’t exist).
It’s only a few weeks until we all get to see what the fuss is about, and now a new trailer has arrived, which starts with an Emma Watson introduction before blasting us with flood related action.
Directed by Darren Aronofsky, and featuring Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Ray Winstone, Emma Watson, Anthony Hopkins and Logan Lerman, Noah is set for UK release on 4 April 2014, with the US release a week earlier. [Read more…]