New York polymath Matthew Camp is one sexy hunk of man. He’s also a very smart one, involved in everything from modelling and acting, to fashion design and perfume creation. Perhaps most notably – for us anyway – was his central role in the excellent Getting Go: The Go Doc Project.
However, he’s long been smart enough to know that for many a lot of his appeal is what he looks like when he’s not wearing an awful lot, but annoyingly, despite a lot of muscled shirtlessness, he insists on keeping some clothes on. His fans were very pleased then a couple of days ago when he posted a fully nude shot on Instagram, showing off is very peachy buns. You can take a look at it below.
Camp is also helping to steam up Paul Freeman’s new coffee table male nude books, Larrikin and Larrikin Yaka (a Larrikin is a rowdy, mischievous but good-hearted young man), which may have an Aussie flavour and title, but obviously doesn’t stick to just Australian guys, bringing in Camp for some sexy shots, some of which have shown up on Freeman’s Instagram, and which you can see below. You can order copies of Larrikin here and you can see more sexy shots from the books here – and boy did Freeman find some hot guys. [Read more…]