In TV’s Brothers & Sisters, Sally Field’s Nora Walker was very accepting of her gay child, and now she’s underlined that she’s very much the same herself. Her own son, Sam, is gay, and she recently told Sirius XM’s EW Radio that of his coming out, “I welcomed him to welcome himself and find that part of his life.”
She also has little sympathy for parents who won’t accept their LGBT kids, saying, “First of all, don’t be frightened. And don’t put your own prejudices or fears about sexuality, your own fears about sexuality – on your children. Sexuality is a human glorious part of existence. What horrifies me is that there are parents who so disapprove, who are so brainwashed to think that this is something out of the Bible or ungodly or against nature. It’s not against nature if nature has actually done this. Sam was always Sam, this wonderful human that he is, from the time he was born… Some people actually shut their children out of the house when they’re young, they’re teenagers – they’re having a hard enough time to be teenagers and own any part of sexuality. I’m still trying to figure it out!”
Field was being interviewed while doing press for her new film, Hello, My Name is Doris. You can have listen to what she had to say below. [Read more…]