Synopsis: ‘Over the holidays, Ned (Bryan Cranston), an overprotective but loving dad and his family visit his daughter at Stanford, where he meets his biggest nightmare: her well-meaning but socially awkward Silicon Valley billionaire boyfriend, Laird (James Franco). The straight-laced Ned thinks Laird, who has absolutely no filter, is a wildly inappropriate match for his daughter. The one-sided rivalry – and Ned’s panic level – escalate when he finds himself increasingly out of step in the glamorous high-tech hub, and learns that Laird is about to pop the question.’
The great cast also includes Megan Mullally, Keegan-Michael Key, Andrew Rannells, Casey Wilson, and Adam DeVine. The movie is due out in the US in December, but no UK date is firmly set yet.
Take a look at the trailer below.
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