In less than a month, HBO will debut Steven Soderbergh’s Liberace biopic, Behind The Candelabra, before it gets released in cinemas outside the US (it reaches the UK on June 7th). Now HBO has released a short new promo, giving us a look behind-the-scenes on the movie, which stars Michael Douglas as Liberace and Matt Damon as his younger lover, Scott Thorson.
The film details their relationship, which saw Liberace publicly saying he was straight, while having his toyboy at home. Things went sour when they broke up and Scott sued the glamorous pianist for alimony.
The promo sees screenwriter Richard Lagavenese talking about the movie and what we can expect from the film.
Steven Soderbergh has also recent been addreesing how true the film is to, telling them that Scott and Liberace tell “completely different stories” about Scott’s plastic surgery. “So somebody is not telling the truth,” Soderbergh said, who has seen the depositions in their court case. “We went with Scott’s version because I love the image of Lee bringing the painting over and saying, ‘I want him to look like this.'”
This Friday, HBO will air The Making of Behind the Candelabra, giving people a closer look at the production, so take a look if you’re interested.