Director: Chris Wedge
Running Time: 98 mins
Certificate: U
Release Date: October 7th 2013

I have to admit that the trailers for Epic left me cold. The title seemed random, the story silly and the whole thing felt like an attempt to cash in on Avatar for the family audience. Well, there is a little of the eco theme and visual style of Avatar in there, but I have to say how surprised I was by the film, which is far more entertaining than I’d expected (even if it is a bit silly).
In the film the forests are full of two-inch tall creatures, split between the good, peace loving Treemen and their allies, and the evil Boggans, who want to destroy everything and turn the forest into rot. An eccentric human scientist believes in these creatures, but his singular obsession has left him without a wife and estranged from his daughter, M.K. (Amanda Seyfried). [Read more…]