Synopsis: ‘Magda is a young unassuming lesbian who works at the airport. She has friends, she has lovers and she loves to party! Nina, on the other hand, is settled in her life – she enjoys her job as a teacher even though her mother is the school’s headmistress. She has a loving husband, Wojtek, whom she lives with in an elegant apartment paid for by Nina’s mother. And yet something is missing…. One day, by accident, Nina and Wojtek meet Magda and decide to invite her for dinner. They plan to ask Magda to be a surrogate mother for them but do not tell Magda their intentions right away…
‘Magda starts to fall for Nina and Nina begins to feel more alive when Magda is around although can’t quite pinpoint what the special feeling is. In a moment of clarity, Nina confesses the plan that she and her husband have for Magda and ask her to be a surrogate. Magda is a shocked by the news but it doesn’t prevent the feelings the two women have for each other from growing stronger…’
Nina arrives on DVD and VoD in the UK on February 25th. Take a look at the trailer below. [Read more…]