Director: George Lucas
Running Time: 134 mins
Certificate: U
Release Date: February 9th, 2012

I was seven-years-old when the original Star Wars movie came out, but for some reason after watching the first trilogy, I missed Phantom Menace on the big screen (I think I was off my tits at Mardi Gras in Sydney) and just never bothered to see the subsequent films. So I was really excited to be invited to the 3D theatrical re-release of the 1992 prequel, which is set 32 years BBY (before the battle of Yarvin)
Watching the current seven-year-olds having their picture taken with Storm Troopers in the foyer, a cute young bear asked if I’d take one for him and having obliged, he returned the favour saying that “we bearded geek types should stick together” – I should have heard the alarm bells ringing and run to the barbers but thinking I’d pulled [Read more…]